Saturday, October 10, 2009

Webquest Week 3

This week we are learning about webquests. They take a lot of time to put together but are long lasting and well worth the effort. I am learning how to copy, paste, find useful educational sites, and even add video and audio clips. I feel like I am learning the "behind the scenes" computer tricks and learning how to navigate in the computer. It takes practice, practice, practice.
I could see using webquests created for my students to learn about subjects from social studies to math to art to science. The possibilities are endless. I am going to look for webquests that might help me plan lessons for other classes and even have my own children use them to learn.
Webquests are an exciting new tool that students would really enjoy using. Older students could even create their own webquests which would teach them computer skills and the subject they are learning about. Teachers could share webquests they create or find with colleagues. I had a lot of fun looking at the webquest on healthy eating and think it would be great for schools, scouting groups, and individuals. I hope my future students have plenty of access to computers so they can use webquests.
I watched the video on Sacagawea on TeacherTube. It was a neat video with lots of pictures and clear, simple information. I think students would enjoy watching this and that it would help Sacagawea come to life for them, perhaps spurring them on to learn more about her.

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