Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ideal Teaching September 22, 2010

How is living what you believe both difficult and easy for teachers?

I think it's easy to live what you believe because that is what comes naturally. If you truly believe that all children are decent human beings you will treat them kindly and fairly. I think as we learn about becoming teachers it's easy to get excited about teaching and think how cute the children will be, how we will differentiate, how we will integrate the subjects, and how we will change their lives. But I'm sure when we start teaching it will be a highly challenging job. I think the difficulty will be remembering in the daily grind what we want to teach like. I think it will be important to constantly reflect on how well we are doing and what we can do better. It will be imperative to continuously learn new things and use current teaching techniques and information. As a teacher it will be important to truly get to know the students and try to cater our teaching to their interests, personalities, and their level of learning. It will be important to know them so we can truly care about and help them. I want the students to enjoy learning and enjoy each other. My goal is to remember the lofty goals that we have learned in school and to help each student progress from where they start and help them become a better human being.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amazing Morning Meetings September 15, 2010

Reflect on what you learned about creating community in your classroom from our visitor, Sylvia Allan.

I think morning meetings are a great way create community in the classroom. The children get to know each other through greetings, news, and especially sharing. I was impressed that the class got so close that they could share their deepest fears and experiences. I loved the story about Hunter reciting Good Timber by Douglas Malloch. That is a type of atmosphere that I dream about my classroom having-where all the children validate and appreciate each other and their accomplishments. In this way they are truly working as a team. Their successes and triumphs are multiplied. I think it tells what type of relationship Mrs. Allan had with her students that Hunter would come back to share his excitement at graduating from high school. I hope I can have such a close knit classroom community.

I am also impressed that morning meetings help solve the majority of behavior problems and that the students learn to take charge of their own learning. They also learn to help solve behavior problems in the classroom. I think that as students know each other and their teacher they are more likely to respect one another. I also like the fact that morning meetings start the day off with 100% of the children participating and being successful. In this way a the classroom is a positive place to come to every day.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Student needs September 6,2010

2a. What does the following phrase mean, and what do you think about it? "emotions trump learning."
I think this means that no matter what you do to teach children, unless they feel safe and acccepted they cannot truly learn. I think children must first be fed, have water, feel safe from other students physically and mentally, and feel accepted by the teacher. Otherwise, students will be thinking about what they need to do to survive and not what the teacher is teaching. I know I am more willing to participate when teachers acknowledge me and appreciate my comments. I am also more willing to share what I truly believe if a teacher says, "I don't care what your opinion is, I just want you to share what you believe and why." I have a neighbor boy who is overweight and has gotten into a lot of trouble in the past at school. He was telling me at the beginning of the school year that all the teachers were out to get him. He did remember though that one awesome teacher never yelled at him once his whole fourth grade year. That's the type of teacher that I'd like to be-that's remembered for being kind and respectful. I want to establish a classroom that is like a family where all feel safe and peaceful so that learning can take place.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Differentiation blog #1

1c On page 12 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson says,"...the most effective teaching does not seek transmission of knowledge isolated from human need, but rather attempts to help young learners discover the power of knowledge to reveal, amplify, and develop the best that is in them. What does this mean to you?

I think this means teachers shouldn't robotically teach the same prescribed lessons day after day but they need to interact with students to discover their current level of development,their interests, personality, and talents. The teacher can then help students discover the power of knowledge. If students are learning on the level that is correct for them and studying things that they are interested in learning can be exciting, fun, and enjoyable. Students can develop their talents and their loves. By adjusting lessons to fit the students teachers can show that they truly value students as an individual and that they value their talents and contributions. I think nothing motivates a student more than learning about something that intrigues them and knowing that they have a special unique talent to share. Students will then be more willing to work, study, and explore. By recognizing needs teachers and students can experience a fulfilling journey together.