Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final week of EDEL 3250!

This week we are putting the final touches on our digital story. We are still trying to locate a few sources of pictures that we are using. We are adding audio to the story and need to add the music. I can't wait to see what it turns out like. I'm also excited to share it with the class and see the other digital stories that our class has created.

I am glad that I have learned how to make a digital story and think it would be useful in my other classes and at home and work. It would be neat to make an emotional and engaging presentation for work using this format. I would also love to use it to make engaging digital photo albums. Digital storymaking is a great tool!

I feel that I have learned so much in this class. I look forward to using my skills to enrich my classroom. The first thing that I learned was how to follow what the teacher is doing on the computer on a projector and relate it to my computer. It has also been amazing to learn how to set up google docs, my own class website, make my own calender and homework lists, record podcasts and vidcasts, make webquests, digital stories, and lesson plans using uber media. I feel like I've learned a lot in this class although I have much more to learn. I'm sure with media it's vital to always learn and utilize the latest technology in order to give students the best learning opportunities.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Digital story December 4, 2009

This week I have been continuing to work on my digital story. It's been fun to collect images, put them in order, and manipulate them. I have been learning how to use Photostory. It's amazing how many things you can do and how simple it is to use. This week my group is also going to add narration, credits, and music. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

I would love to use this tool for lesson plans or projects in other classes. I would also like to use it to make a digital story of something like a wedding, baptism, or eagle ceremony. It would also be neat to do a life history using a digital story. It would also be useful to teach my children so they could make one for a school project. At their school they can do a research project which they present to the class. It would be really fun to do it in a digital story.

I feel like my view is opening to all the media that is available to students to use. I would love to use digital stories in my lesson plans at school. It would also be neat to teacher older students how to create a digital story. I could envision using a digital story to go along with a class presentation on Vetran's Day, for example. I think this knowledge will make me a better teacher and colleague.

I watch a video called Managing Millennials by Lynne Lancaster. She had many good ideas about managing millennials born from 1980-2000. She had many good insights about the characteristics of different generations and how to work together. She said the millenials are confident, hopeful, practical, and goal oriented. She said in order to recruit them companies need to be up to date, have strong values, set expectations, and allow millenials to collaborate with others. Lancaster also suggested that supervisers be leaders, keep millenials challenged, make work fun, repect the millenial's ideas, and be flexible. I think that the rising generation is competent and intelligent. We need to work together with them to achieve together.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Field work-Happy Thanksgiving!

This week one of the things my supervising teacher did was teaching about music. She taught the students about different types of music and different instruments and what catagories they go in. Miss Kelley gave each student a picture of a musical instrument and had them put them in categories. At the end of the lesson she showed a movie of Peter and the Wolf which has many different instruments playing as characters in the story.

The students really enjoyed interacting and learning about music. Miss Kelley used watching the movie as a reward for participating in the discussion. It seems like any time she turns on a movie the children are engrossed. She used the whole lesson to prepare the students to go to a performance by the Utah Valley Symphony. I think it gave the students a good background about the instruments and the type of music that would be played.

I would love to use technology like movies in the future as a teacher. It's good to use movies sparingly so the students are excited about them and really pay attention. Miss Kelley has bought a lot of materials like movies herself. She said she first tried using an audio tape of Peter and the Wolf but the students didn't pay attention that much. I'm sure it will take time as a teacher to figure out which lessons work and to collect books, movies, and things for class use.

I watched a video on Teachertube about James Otis and the subject of taxation without representation. This was a fun video of a man in period costume telling the story of James Otis. Otis was a man who was hired to argue against the ritz of assistance but instead argued for it. Otis is famous for the quote taxation without representation is tyranny. The people of the US smuggled ingredients to make rum from the Spanish Dutch and French when they couldn't obtain enough ingredients through England. Otis had a sad and tragic life but he was a revolutionary man who fought for his beliefs. This would be a fun and worthwhile video to share with students.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Field Work Week 3

This week I learned more how my supervising teacher uses the computer. She has a class website where she posts announcements, the calender, the spelling list, the weather, and other homework. She also has all her grades recorded online. The students do homework through a UEN site. There are a variety of games for different subjects and the computer even grades the student's work. Miss Kelley said the students don't even notice that they're doing homework. She also tracks the weather online twice a day and the kids record the weather.

It's neat to see what we've been learning about in class in action in the classroom. I think tracking grades online and having students do homework online would save a lot of time and paper. I think tracking the weather online is neat because it shows the kids the computer in action and allows students to have instant information.

I would like to use the computer for homework and to track grades. I was amazed to find out that the teacher doesn't even create the homework-it's already done! I will definitely use technology in the class-computers, overheads, projectors, movies, CDs, etc. I also want to use clips from the internet to help give students ideas for writing. It was interesting at our PLC meeting to see the teachers interact with each other. One of the teachers wants to do formative testing during math. One of the teachers listened to him but the other didn't seem to agree. I can see that it would be difficult to work as a team sometimes. It will be important to communicate fully with others and cooperate on projects.

I watched a Teachertube video on James Otis. He was an early patriot and government lawyer who was asked to argue for writs of assistance (search warrants) but instead quit his job and argued for it. He argued against the king of England taxing the United States. Otis is famous for his quote, "taxation without representation is tyranny." This video portrays a man in period costume explaining who Otis was and what he did. This is a fun video and I think students would enjoy it and also learn about James Otis and about the early government of the U.S. and the government of England.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Field Work Week 2

I'm learning about how technology is used right now in classrooms. The 4th graders go to computer lab once a week where they learn how to type. It's good for them to learn how to type but they don't utilize the computers much to help them learn. If they get done early they can play a drawing game. The students also use CD's of books once a week with their guided reading books. They really enjoy this and I think it improves their comprehesion and pronounciation. When I was doing my technology interview I found out about UTIP which is a program which allows teachers to create tests to review core topics. When you put in the subject the program creates a test for you. The students take the test online and then the computer graphs how the students did on various questions and can even graph how subgroups performed on the test. Then the teacher knows what their focus needs to be. I'm excited to see how much fun the children are and the huge impact I can have to help them learn.

Right now I'm learning how underutilized technology is in the classroom and also how much students enjoy it. I am trying to use technology in my lesson plans. I use the computer to help plan lessons and we are using a video in our lesson plan on Monday. I am also assisting the students in using the CDs to listen to books and helping them find the right place to follow along in the book.

In the future I would like to use some of the things that are being used in my class such as books to listen to, overheads, and truly utilizing computers. I would schedule the computer lab for additional time to reinforce subjects that we are studying. I will also encourage students to do homework on the computer to do homework, blog, use webquests, and create things like powerpoints. I am REALLY excited about UTIP. I would definitely use this to fully prepare my students for end of year testing and to insure that subjects are thoroughly understood.

I watched a video on Teachertube called Think Before You Post. The video was very well made and I think it would hit home with students the fact that anything you post can spread to family, friends, and anyone. I think as much as children use computers they need to be aware of the ramifications of posting. The need to avoid posting personal information such as inappropriate pictures, their name, address, phone number, and what they are doing. They can't take back information that they've shared. I've also read that they need to be careful what they post about their family and friends because it could effect their parent's jobs, reputations, and their entire family.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fieldwork week 1

I was not able to do the technology worksheet because the school specialist can't meet with us until tomorrow. I will do the worksheet as soon as possible. This week I have been learning how teachers actually are using technology in the classroom. Our supervising teacher uses technology in many ways. She showed the children a video about C.S. Lewis which captured their attention. The children also went to computer lab and are learning there. The teacher records her grades online and has the children do their homework online if they have access to the computer. She thinks their spelling scores have increased because they enjoy doing their homework online.

The ways the teacher uses technology give me ideas about things that I can include in my lesson plans in college. I think it would be neat to include videos, documentaries, or pictures as I prepare lessons so I can practice for the future.

This changes my schema about all the things that can be done with technology in the classroom. I think it's a great idea to record grades online. It would be very neat and easy to track. Having the students do homework online would cut down on wasting paper and would cut down on clutter for the teacher and students. The video was a fun way to introduce C.S. Lewis. The teacher also has recordings of the books the students are reading which they get to listen to once a week. It was enjoyable for the students and I think it would increase their vocabulary and pronounciation. It's fun to see technology being used in the classroom!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Beliefs

I believe that technology should be used in the classroom. I think it is very useful for a teacher to have email and a class page so that students and parents are informed about assignments and can communicate with the teacher. Blogging is a fun way for students to improve their writing skills (whether they know it or not) and to express themselves. Having students create Powerpoint, digital stories, and webquests would also be a great way for them to learn and develop computer skills and other knowledge. Programs which teach students basic skills are also useful. I agree with NETS that it's important for teachers to have a sound understanding of computers and to continually stay curent with new technology. I plan on doing this!

The children of today live in a new age of technology. They expect instant communication and gratification. By using computers in the classroom I can "keep the joy of learning alive." (Millenial Generation video) By using technology in the classroom I can be a better, more relevant teacher. By using computers, students will develop vital skills which will prepare them for future life and careers. Technological skills will propel them forward and allow them to be the leaders of the future.

Lessons Learned

The readings, videos, and web sites had great information. I liked the video on the Millenial Generation. I think it's true that true happiness comes from engaging in personally meaningful work and performing service to a cause greater than oneself. By truly integrating technology and having students create we can engage, teach and interest students. As we teach students they won't be using technology simply for entertainment but to learn, solve problems, and create.

I think the web site "Did you know" states some important facts. It's scary that the U.S. students lag so far behind China and India. The U.S. needs to invest in educational development in order to survive and thrive in the today's connected world. Teachers really are preparing students for jobs that don't exist now and getting them ready to solve problems that don't exist today. Students need to have a broad base of knowledge, relevant and current skills, interpersonal skills, and adaptabilty in the future. Technology is a vital part of that education. I want to help the U.S. to be a strong nation with students who are intelligent and well educated to face the future.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of my strengths according to the UNI survey and NET standards are my awareness of how computers can be used in business, industry, and society. I have used computers at work and know how vital they are to efficiency, record keeping, communication, and information availability. Another strength is using audio and visual resources. I think I have become better at finding sites which would be useful and interesting in class.

Some of my weaknesses in computer knowledge are using the Macintosh sysytem, computer terminology, trouble-shooting techniques, and learning how to use graphic organizers. I have heard that many schools use Mac systems so I need to learn more about them. I found two sites that would be useful in developing my computer skills. The first is Switch 101 which teaches about Mac systems. The second is the Teacher tap site on graphic organizers called These sites look user friendly and informative. I would like to improve my weaknesses and continue learning more about technology. My goals as a teacher are to be an awesome teacher and earn lots of money.

My goal as a teacher is to integrate technology in the classroom. I would like to have the children create things like Powerpoint, their own calender, and a blogging site. I would also like students to use webquests. I think as I use technology I'll be a better teacher who interests the students and teaches them current issues.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Digital stories week two

Happy Halloween! We're on our second week of digital storytelling. This week we learned about writing our script, adding pictures, editing them, moving them around, zooming in and out, and adding text on top of the pictures. We also learned how to add music and the order we need to do everything in.

I think I could use digital storytelling in many ways. It would be a great way to introduce a topic to a class. It could also be used at the end of the year to make a fun slideshow with music and script. Digital storytelling would also be a good thing for students to learn how to do themselves. I would love to use it in my other classes here at UVU. I wish I had found out about it sooner. It would have been a neat project for the elementary education fair.

In the future I could see using digital storytelling in many ways. It would be a good way to motivate students to write. I think when you start thinking about something that really impacts you emotionally and is very powerful it really gets you excited about your subject. It makes you want to learn more. When you start to see images about your subject and start thinking about music that fits the theme it pulls you even deeper into the subject. I think digital storytelling would be a way to engage students in writing and research. I would love to use it in the classroom, with my family, and at church.

I watched the digital story on NASA. It was a really good digital story. It was sobering to see all the astronauts who have sacrificed their lives in the name of science. This story had a lot of really neat pictures and sensitive music that added to the story. I thought it was a very engaging digital story which educated without being boring. It really pulled me in and made me think about the human sacrifices that are made in order to advance the space program.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Digital Storytelling

This week we are learning about digital storytelling. In digital stories you can tell a compelling story with images, narration, music, and graphics. Digital stories remix information to make a greater impact. Digital stories can be used to introduce a topic or to learn more about a subject.
This week we are working on the first part of creation-scripting, narration, and a story board which will help us to start to form ideas and gather information to make our story.

Digital storytelling can be used in many ways. We can use it in classrooms to engage students in a subject. As a student I could use digital storytelling in my lesson plans. Digital storytelling could be used in social studies, english, science, and even math. Digital stories are compelling because they include narration, powerful pictures, and music that can invoke emotion.

In the future I would like to use digital storytelling in the classroom to interest and engage students. It would be a great assignment for students to make their own stories about something that they are passionate about. Students would be learning about a subject while also learning vital technological skills on the computer. My 11 year old can already easily make a powerpoint himself so this would be a new, more advanced skill. Digital storytelling would be an assignment which could challenge different levels of learners. I am excited about this assignment and the variety of things which can be expressed-especially inspiration. Digital storytelling could also be used in church, personal life, and in the community.

I couldn't get the assigned video to work so I watched a video on Teachertube about Newton's 3 laws of motion. It is a fun yet simple video. I would use it to introduce a lesson on the 3 laws of motion. I think students enjoy videos and listening to a different voice occassionally. The information is presented simply and has cartoons which demonstrate the laws in a fun way. I would definitely use this video.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Webquests October 18,2009

We are on our final week of webquests. I read some information by Tom March on webquests. He had lots of great ideas. He said the first part should engage the students and bring up the core attributes of the subject but also create cognitive dissonance in order to motivate students to investigate further. Then he said the students should be able to learn the basic nature of the subject and remember prior knowledge. Next he said they should gather information from current news, videos, maps, podcasts, and other sources. He said the webquests give cognitive scaffolding and give students an appetite for learning. He said they are on the computer anyway so if we don't teach them we are doing them a disservice. Mr. March said by giving students a rubric we give them ownership for what they are doing. When we have students participate on blogs, posts, and bookmark highlights their thinking becomes visible. Webquests can help students at an appropriate level. Students can acquire information and transform it into new understandings.

I think the things that Mr. March said are so true. We need to use this great information as we learn how to be teachers. I am doing my best now to learn more about computers so that I can navigate them and teach my students all I know about them. Hopefully, I can stay ahead of them!

In the future, I would like to use ideas like webquests to allow students to investigate because I know they will be more self-initiated when they can explore and find their own answers. It's true that students are using computers and technology anyway so we might as well direct them to learn, explore vital information, and expand their knowledge. I am excited for the future and know that we need to empower students to use technology to think of novel ideas that will make the world better place and expand the knowledge that we have. They are our future!!

I watched the movie called "Do You Believe in Me?" by Dalton Sherman. He was an amazing and motivating speaker for being so young. He asked if the audience believed in him and the other graduates. He told them how important teachers, principals, school support staff, and parents are to students. He let them know that sometimes they are the only ones who believe in students and what they can achieve. I know that teachers who believed in me made me feel valued and appreciated and made me want to become more. It is true that our support is so vital to our children, extended family, students, and all children in our lives. As a teacher I want to teach my students that they are capable, valuable, and loved.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Webquest Week 3

This week we are learning about webquests. They take a lot of time to put together but are long lasting and well worth the effort. I am learning how to copy, paste, find useful educational sites, and even add video and audio clips. I feel like I am learning the "behind the scenes" computer tricks and learning how to navigate in the computer. It takes practice, practice, practice.
I could see using webquests created for my students to learn about subjects from social studies to math to art to science. The possibilities are endless. I am going to look for webquests that might help me plan lessons for other classes and even have my own children use them to learn.
Webquests are an exciting new tool that students would really enjoy using. Older students could even create their own webquests which would teach them computer skills and the subject they are learning about. Teachers could share webquests they create or find with colleagues. I had a lot of fun looking at the webquest on healthy eating and think it would be great for schools, scouting groups, and individuals. I hope my future students have plenty of access to computers so they can use webquests.
I watched the video on Sacagawea on TeacherTube. It was a neat video with lots of pictures and clear, simple information. I think students would enjoy watching this and that it would help Sacagawea come to life for them, perhaps spurring them on to learn more about her.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Webquests and Surface computing

The video on surface computing was amazing. The surface computing allows users to organize and resize photos or videos. The multitouch allows users to manipulate more than one thing at a time. Surface computing also allows a person to put a camera on the computer screen, manipulate it on the screen and transfer it to another item such as a phone wirelessly. The surface computer is about $5,000-$6,000 and will be used mainly in hotels and casinos initially. This technology is mind boogling!!
I could see using this in the classroom to allow myself or students to manipulate pictures or videos for reports or presentations. It would make putting visuals together much easier and faster. It would be fun to use this to display pictures of activities the class has done such as field trips or a powerpoint at the end of the year. Surface computing would allow students to manipulate maps or graphs to the size they want or the content they want to focus on. The wireless sharing would allow students to share information and collaborate more easily. Using this technology in the class would prepare students for not only jobs but life in the future.
The past few weeks our class has been learning about webquests. A webquest is a cite which allows you to explore a subject. It is like a map that allows you to explore a subject within parameters. Webquests can include information, pictures, videos, and assignments.
I think webquests are really cool because they teach students to navigate on the computer without being overwhelmed by simply surfing the web. They are also protected from unwanted information. I think this is important. Once when my son was in second grade he was doing a report on an author when a stripper came up. And this was a school computer! A webquest enables students to learn what they need to learn through exploration.
Webquests are a good way for students to learn computer skills. The best way to learn is by trying. You learn which buttons to push to get where you need to go. Students can help each other to navigate the computer.
I would love to use webquest in the classroom. The beauty of webquests is you could create it once and use it again and again. You could simply update the information if necessary. Upper grade students could even create a webquest themselves! I would use a webquest for history, to explore different books they might want to read, to learn about art history and famous artists, and even to see science experiments and make their own scientific conclusions. There are a myriad of ways webquests may be used! Also, I could use webquests created by others. A group of teachers could each create a webquest and share them. I think students would enjoy webquests because they include interesting things such as videos and pictures which make information come to life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This week we're learning about podcasts and vidcasts. It's exciting that I'm building an entire multimedia home page. It's neat (and challenging) to see how everything is done. It's surprisingly simple! I think children would really enjoy doing vidcasts. I would like to have my students record a play about the various explorers or about life in Mesopatania for example. I would like to have students make a podcast of their own book on tape using lots of animation. This would encourage writing and reading with expression.
The skills that I'm learning are being spread as quickly as I learn them. I didn't realize that my 11 year old son was watching me set up my google calender. The next day he was making and printing his own. He was so excited about it. We both enjoyed setting up repeating events. This would be a good thing for students to learn so they can organize their activities and homework. The coming generation is truly computer literate. Facebook, email, YouTube, texting, and other technology is commonplace to them. They live in an age of instant communication.
I watched the video called "why blog?" It's amazing how many benefits there are of blogging. I think the interaction with other people, the creativity, reflection, and having an audience are great byproducts of blogging. My teenageer isn't a huge communicator but I think blogging has expanded his thinking and vocabulary. I would love to have students blog about a book that we are reading together, make comments about current events, or debate about controversial social studies topics.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This week I watched a video of Mr. Duey, a rapping math teacher. I think it was a really fun video. I think children would enjoy watching this and they could watch it over and over until they understood. A teacher could teach them a rap about fractions. I have a neighbor that has had a lot of problems with math. This video could help him learn the rules about fractions. I remember a song I heard a few years ago called "Turn it to the left" about how people need to turn the volume down on their music or they will have serious hearing damage. It was a fun but informative song. I think it would be neat in the classroom to have kids share music occasionally and listen to quiet classical music while working.

I watched another video on Web 2.0. It was very informative and I liked the visuals and the music. It's amazing all the technology that is available-blogging, wikis, tagging, and podcasts. I would like to use some of these technologies in the classroom. I think tagging would make it much easier for children to find information. Blogging would be a good way to get children involved in a conversation about subjects that you are studying. You could even have a class blog that you share with a class far away-a modern version of pen pals. It's true that the world faces many difficult challenges and that computer technology could help solve some of these problems. I loved the phrase "come visit the digital sandbox."

I enjoyed learning about igoogle. I think it's great to be able to have your gmail, documents, facebook,and even bank accounts all accessible in one place. It will save me a lot of time. I think it's great to be able to teach your students about the latest technology. Some of the most important things that we may teach them may be knowing how to navigate a computer, do graphics, and simply be able to do things online. As a teacher I'm sure I'll use many sites like UEN to plan my lessons.
This week we are talking about similar things in social studies and educational psychology. In social studies I read about asking "essential questions" to the students which make students really think about important concepts to decide how to interpret historical data. The students answer questions such as, "Should there be limits on personal freedom?" In educational psychology I listened to an audio called "accountable talk." It talked about getting students to really listen and also help other students by asking questions like "who can repeat this?" or "does anyone agree or disagree?" They found that this type of talk improves linguistics and math and helps students listen better because they like to get the attention of responding and also want to know if they are right. I would like to use these deep questions and interactive teaching with my students.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sept. 7, 1009
I have a quote of the week from Albert Einstein. He said, "I have no special gift. I am only passionately curious." I have learned many things this week. One is that I can do my homework if I take it one day at a time. In instructional media I am still learning about blogs but also how to make documents, calenders, announcements, and lists. These will be great tools for me to use in teaching. I could see using the blog to keep parents and students posted on what we have done and what's coming up. it would be fun to include pictures so they can share in what we're doing.
Documents would be great in collaborating with other teachers in your school or even sharing ideas with teachers far away. I LOVE the calender and that you can have it program things every week or month. It's also neat that it can text you reminders of what's happening. The lists would be a nice organized way to keep your students informed on what's due. I love that the program lets you draw or even translate things into another language.
My children already use quite a bit of technology in school. My 6th grader blogs to students who share his desk during the day. It's a fun way to get him writing. My sophomore answers English questions on Moodle. It's a great way to get her to interact and participate without being intimidated.
I would like to use these technologies in the classroom. I think the documents, blogs, calenders, and lists would be very useful keeping students and parents informed and interacting.
This week I watched the video "pay attention". I think it's a great idea to use the technology that kids already know how to use. I loved the idea of using cell phones to take student polls, tutor peers, and get them to practice using another language. It is true that technology offers many rich experiences. I think students would enjoy assignments more if they could use their ipods or cell phones. The only drawback is that you would exclude students who don't have this technology. Perhaps they could do a team project with someone else. I will integrate technology into the classroom because students will need these skills and knowledge to communicate in the future.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29th, 2009
My ideal classroom would be spacious, clean, and have windows. It would have fun, creative, and bright decorations. It would be comfortable with a reading area with pillows and chairs. My ideal students would be well behaved, intelligent, and ready to learn. They would enjoy being with me as a teacher and each other. My ideal parents would be involved and helpful with the classroom and supportive of what I'm teaching. They would make sure their children did their homework and got enough rest and food. The parents would ideally be part of a community that works together. My dream colleagues would work as a team. They would support each other and collaborate on projects. They would stimulate new ideas together.
I would use teaching techniques that would involve and engage the students in learning. I would read them books and use games (like spelling games) to teach them. I would reward them for good behavior with rewards, like being able to play kickball at the end of the week. I would collect things such as bugs or rocks to introduce new subjects. It would be fun to have the class plant a garden to see how things grow, where their food comes from, and how to encourage growth.
I would use technology like computers because most jobs in the future involve computers. Children need to know how to type properly and utilize them to communicate with others. They need to make things like powerpoint presentations and play learning games which facilitate learning. Children can also access endless information using computers. Also, I would use a document camera to make teaching easier. It sparks children's interest when you integrate things they enjoy using at home like using a YouTube clip to stimulate a beginning for a journal entry. Or having the students blog each other to encourage them to write or brainstorm ideas.
I will teach math, science, english, art, music, and social studies. I will teach units which integrate the different subjects.
Our class goals would be to learn, listen, work our hardest, push ourselves, be kind and respectful to each other, and to discover new things.
I hope to teach children that they can do hard things and that they can achieve their dreams and goals.
I watched the Techwatch video. I think it's a good idea for people to be charged according to how much they use the internet because it would enable people who only use it a little to be able to pay a minimal amount. It would also force people to regulate how much time they spend on the internet. It is neat that the iphone is getting cheaper. It is great technology and it would be neat if more people could access them. I think the online civics site is neat too and would make the legal system more accessible and understandable for people. Perhaps they would learn something on that site as opposed to doing things like playing video games. I think the touch interface screens are really cool. They would make it much easier for people to manipulate pictures or create art.